


Skib Nub Marketing is an inbound web marketing, analytics and search engine optimization company with offices in the greater metropolitan Chicago area. We assist small businesses, medium sized businesses, and large companies accurately track their SEO key word results and get more leads from their web site.

If you own a business, have ambitious growth goals, and are looking for an awesome partner to help you measurably improve your marketing performance and get more leads and sales from the web, you’ve come to Skib Nub Marketing. We are providing cutting edge technology which allows for the adherence to any and all rules and regulations pertaining to Google’s algorithm known as Pagerank, any and all updates from Google Panda, through all of the Penguin updates, up to Google EAT and well into the future. Knowledge, proven results, and the ability to change with any and all needs of our customers is what you want – it is what you need. That is specifically what Skib Nub Marketing offers.


What do you get when you take a graduate from ITT Hartford and send him to every Pubcon convention from 2007 to 2011? You get a self-proclaimed geek, that’s what you get. Our leader is a true student of the way in which SEO and key word inclusion in specific areas work to create the most powerful organic listings available. That’s correct, organic listings. These are the listings that stand the test of time – they are going to be here to stay for a long, long time. As long as there were no “Black Hat SEO” tricks or even “Grey Hat SEO” schemes, these listings will persevere. An online marketing engine capable of increasing your company’s visibility—fast. Skib Nub Marketing was originally a division of another corporation until in 2017 the ideas, the intellectual property of the founder were spun off to create this iteration of the firm. Skib Nub Marketing was founded in 2007 by JT Mann with the help of a friend of his that used to work for About.com. The individuals anonymity is crucial. JT Mann founded multiple small businesses which were designed to assist others in saving money on their business, personal, and benefits insurance portfolios. JT Mann eventually created a consulting firm which acted as a 3rd Party Mediator between independent insurance brokers in order to assure the lowest possible premiums. When JT Mann sold a customer on the bidding consulting for their insurance needs he would include (at no additional charge) a plan for SEO. Some of the companies JT Mann worked with have seen millions of dollars in additional revenues. Today, Skib Nub Marketing continues to strive to do what is best for their clients one business at a time.


Skib Nub Marketing has a very simple mission: Identify any Search Engine Optimization pitfalls; Predict various outcomes through and by positive action as well as inaction; Decide on the most productive option(s); Execute the most positive option while still providing the highest search engine search results with organic SEO. Our goal is to Help business owners and marketing executives / Franchisor Executives to use technology and the Internet to greatly improve their web marketing performance and ROI.


Skib Nub Marketing believes that any type of business can leverage the Internet as a sales and marketing tool. We specialize in assisting restaurants gaining top 10 Google Search Results and any other type of business. Therefore, any size company with any type of web marketing need is in an industry we serve. If your business is wholesale, retail, office, service, contracting, manufacturing, or any other sort of business type we will provide you the requisite Search Engine Optimization to bring your site into the top 10 rankings.


If you take only one thing away from our website, make it this – you can (dramatically) improve your web performance with our services. Email us at jack@skibnubmarketing.com in order to begin the process of gaining and claiming your top 10 Google, Yahoo, Bing and Yelp listings.